

We Are The Best Maid Agency In Singapore

Living in a metropolitan city like Singapore, with much time spent on earning a living, household responsibilities fall upon already fatigued individuals. When things like elderly parents or children come into the equation, the natural reaction is to look for help. An established name in that field is Status Employment Agency.

More popularly known as Status Maids, Status Employment Agency was formed in 2001 in Singapore. While demand for domestic helpers was at an all-time high at the start of the millennium, Status Maids relied on good old-fashioned word of mouth. This was possible as the company had an added advantage of being the direct supplier and recruiter of Indonesian and Filipino domestic workers and had the experience of supplying to over 20 agencies in Singapore.

Within the first 2 years of operation, demand was so high that it overtook the supply and thereby restricting the company to supply to any agencies anymore and solely concentrating on direct marketing to our very own clients.

Till to date Status Maids has over 30,000 satisfied clients and still counting.

At Stаtuѕ Mаіdѕ, уоur requirements аrе important tо uѕ, and wе work towards рrоvіdіng you with a capable hеlреr tо mееt your needs. With this in mind, wе gіvе оur clients thе opportunity tо interview with the dоmеѕtіс helpers thrоugh online media like Whatsapp. Thіѕ wіll give thеm thе idea оf whаt рrоfіlе оf a person wоuld fіt thеіr household.

They are then given the relevant training to adapt to our society in Singapore. Besides the usual domestic services, they are taught on how to care for the elderly and/or young children even if they come with the experience of working elsewhere formally. This is to ensure that the company carefully selects from their pool of candidates to match employer’s requirements thus up keeping the reputation and principles of Status Maids making it a successful ongoing story till to date.

The company’s success is also attributed to the ideology and principles of the directors who personally belief in briefing each helper on what to expect, going through the basic housekeeping routines with them when they arrive for a couple of days before sending them off to the respective employers. This doesn’t just stop here, consultation and counselling forms part of the company’s services provided to ensure a fit.

Straits Times Oct 2011 Status EA
Singapore Excellence Award 2014 - Status Maids Achievements 1
Best Domestic Helper and Maid Agency in Singapore

Rating From 2016 - 2017

Rating From 2016 - 2017

Rating From 2023-2024

Rating From 2023-2024

Therefore all our domestic helpers are carefully selected, trained and have the adequate skills set to deliver the domestic services required of them by their employers.

From direct hiring, to documentation covering air tickets, work permits, renewal of passports and work permits, the company handles all of them, saving the hassle and relieving the pressures from the clients. Straight forward and clear about the replacement fees, there are no hidden costs, a delight to our clients.

Given our success over the years, we had expanded our recruitment and training centres in Indonesia and Myanmar.

Having served all arrays of clients ranging from average families to Millionaires and Billionaires, Status Maids boasts itself as a prime and leading maid agency in Singapore with a proven and good track record.

Above shows an extraction of our track record from the Ministry of Manpower Singapore website before the incorporation of Status Maids. It clearly shows that our performance is better than and above the industry average.

Due to further expansion and accountability, the company was incorporated in July 2016 from Status Employment Agency to Status Employment Agency Pte Ltd.

Our Training Centres

Indonesia &amp Myanmar

Care For Elderly

We understand hiring a domestic helper to care for an elderly is a big decision. Let us guide you and make it simpler to find the right one for you.


Every young family deserves a helping hand. Let us help you find the perfect domestic helper to care for your young family.


In an ever-bustling world, where the demands of daily life can often feel overwhelming, the importance of an organized and well-maintained living environment cannot be overstated.

Let us assist you in this aspect.


Corporate Social Responsiblity

Status Maids has been a close Collaboration Partner at both the individual and Corporate levels. The company has been involved in poverty alleviation activities as a Partner Member of Choice Family (Singapore) since 2012. Members have participated in multiple field trips to villages in Kandhal and Prey Veng provinces of Cambodia.

As a Partner Member, Status Maids members have contributed to the education of kids in the most poverished villages. In addition, Status Maids have made adhoc contributions to the care of an individual requiring urgent medical attention. In addition, Status Maids was one of the key sponsors for CFS Futsal 2016 held on 4th Sept .

Status Maids will continue to play an integral role in poverty alleviation overseas by collaborating with CFS in its initiatives to transform the lives of the indigent people.


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